Monday, 3 February 2014


Virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect computers.
The term "virus" is erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability.
A true virus can spread from one computer to another (in some form of executable code).
One of the ways by which a virus can infect your PC is through USB/Flash drives.
Common viruses such as 'Ravmon' , 'New Folder.exe', 'shortcut virus' are spreading through USB drive .
Most anti virus programs are unable to detect them and even if they do, in most cases they are unable to delete the file.So in this  post we use command prompt to remove harmful files that any anti-virus can't. I use this trick most of the time and can guarantee you that it will work 100%.....

Step 1:

 Run the command prompt by going to start and type cmd on the search programs and files.

Step 2:

 Select the virus affected drive
                 (drivename: )
and press enter then D:\> would have come ..

Step 3:

 type attrib -s -h *.* /s /d then press enter
Since virus  are set  as hidden (h) and as system file (s) so that it cannot be deleted easily .Actually what we are doing in this step is removing all these attributes set on files or virus that is mius s (-s -h) ,
*.* - means all files

Step 4:

 type dir 
        the dir command shows you the content of the drive

Step 5:

check if there is an unusual .exe file
                 if there's an autorun.inf file rename it
Because they usually are the virus files . Renaming them means like making them unfunctional as virus as they are now referred by another name and the so the actual while will not be visible to the virus program.

                    (rename filename.extension newfilename )

Step 6:

by doing the following steps you can now acces the drive without affecting the virus

 Go to my computer

Step 7:

Select the drive

Step 8:

Delete the harmful files
             *you can also delete the harmful files using command prompt
              ( type del filename)


How to remove Shortcut virus using cmd  ?

  These Shortcut viruses are those which converts all your data inside your pen drive or Hard disk to shortcuts, and which are recoverable.

 Just follow the below given steps to remove shortcut virus from pen drive and recover back your files.
  • Go to Start -> Run -> cmd.
  • Go to your pen drive directory.
  • Type this command: del *.lnk and press Enter.
  • Type attrib -h -r -s /s /d X:\*.*
  • And then press a gentle Enter.
  • WHERE X is the name of your pendrive alphabet in the computer

How to remove shortcut virus in Pen drives in Windows ?

Recover your files :

     You can recover your files through Winrar.

  •  Open WINRAR Application.
  •  Navigate to your Pendrive location or PC Folder location.
  •  Copy Files and Paste where you want.
  •  Format your Pendrive. 
Hello friend messing up with some virus ? Though your antivirus software removes virus and problem persists, searching google for the removal and you are into a perfect site for a solution. Here's a trick to remove all your viruses. Follow the steps given below to remove viruses using cmd command prompt ) .

How to remove autorun virus using cmd  ?
How to remove autorun virus from Hard disk using command prompt?
Steps : 
  • Press Start or winkey ) -> Run -> cmd.
  • If you are at the root directory ( C drive ) then do the following, else give cd.. and come to the root C:\> and do the following. 
  • Type in attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf ), without brackets and press Enter.
  • Type del autorun.inf ), without brackets and press Enter.
  • Follow this for all other drives. 

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